a discussion with Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed
moderated by Susanna Lundberg (sociologist phD in sociology and member of Vänsterpartiet)
presented by Swedish LGBTQ Initiatives Skåne / arQuzah in cooperation with RFSL Malmö

Friday, June 28, 17.00 - 20.00
Barnens Scen, Folkets Park
Falsterbogatan 17, Malmö

Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed is the founder of HM2F, the association for gay Muslims of France, as well as founder of MPF, French Progressive Muslims. He is in charge of the inclusive Mosque and none the less PhD student in anthropology, researching about Islam and sexual diversity. He wrote "Le Coran et la Chair", about Islam and homosexuality. An imam, Ludovic maintains that being gay and a feminist is not incompatible with Islam, and that an inclusive place of worship "would give hope back to many." [link to the opinion piece in The Guardian UK newspaper: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/belief/2012/nov/26/paris-gay-friendly-mosque]

The discussion* is aimed at raising the question of Islam as an inclusive religion to the LGBTQ-Muslim community, as well as reducing the stigma associated with being both a practicing Muslim and a member of a sexual minority.