Pride Photo Award 2011-voittajat
Sisäänpääsy: € 4,-tai € 2,- (alennettu)


Thursday the 8th of September: Truloved (VS 2008/99 min. /Stewart Wade/English, no subtitles)
A high school comedy that plays with the stereotypes about gay and straight, black and white, rich and poor. Tru is daughter to two mothers and has a deeply closeted friend in the American Football. She wants to help him by forming a Gay Straight Alliance, but encounters a lot of homophobia. When a handsome guy joins the gay-straight club, an intrigued Tru can’t quite fathom whether he is gay or straight …
Thursday the 15th of September: The Art of Being Straight (VS 2008/70 min./Jesse Rosen/ English, no subtitles)
Josh is attracted to guys, but considers himself trapped in a straight body. After moving to LA he seems happy to be surrounded by straight friends in their world of bars, booze and birds. When he starts working at an advertising agency and meets his sexy boss Paul, the sexual confusion turns Josh’s life completely upside down.
Thursday the 22nd of September: Fit (Eng. 2010/108 min./Rikki Beadle Blair English, no subtitles)
This entertaining episode film follows a group of teenagers and their struggle with being themselves and being accepted by others. No one is who he or she seems to be at first; the toughest looks can hide a vulnerable gay heart, and some hetero kids act as queer as can be.
Thursday the 29th of September: It’s different for girls (Eng. 1996/97 min./Richard Spence/ English, no subtitles)
Karl and Paul were best friends who have lost track of each other. When Paul meets Karl again he has become Kim, a transsexual. Paul is confused and fascinated by his friends transformation, but he doesn’t know hat do about his deepening feelings for Kim. When his frustrations lead him to court, only Kim’s ‘secret’ can save him.
All films start at 19.00 o‘clock.