Sara Swanson from StaDemonia Tattoo Stockholm has interviewed queers who got tattooed during the 70s and 80s and legendary photographer Del laGrace Volcano has portrayed the storytellers. In addition -Soledad Aznar Rodriguez´ and Sara Swansons´ StaDemonia Tattoo turns 20 years old and we want to celebrate with you!
Queer tattoo history / stories is an ongoing art project, work of memory and research -fragments collected for ourselves and our siblings, which tells of times where tattooing and queerness were taboo, shameful and/or forbidden AND an act filled with resistance power and desire.
Welcome to the vernissage Saturday 18/1 at 12-24 hs at the new Southside Gallery, Högdalsgången 43, to a day filled with talks and lectures and an evening filled with performance and celebration!
(the lectures and conversations will be in English. We help each other with language when needed. For more info se posts in the event, or web Times and details might change so double check when we get closer)
-12.00- Doors open, welcome!
-13.30- “Swedish Tattoo History”, lecture by author, journalist and tattoo historian Helena Meyer, where she sheds new light on the history of tattooing. With the help of articles from Swedish newspapers from two centuries, archival material and old debates in criminology Helena points out that what you heard about tattooing and the person tattooed is partly a myth.
-15.00- “Tattoos and queer women at the turn of the twentieth century in Copenhagen”, lecture by Rikke Andreassen, professor at Roskilde University, Denmark. Followed by conversation about Queer archives and how to work with Violent archives (from police, medical records etc, that often condemn both queerness and tattoos) with Rikke Andreassen, Marie Lunau (post doc researcher) and Pia Laskar (history of ideas and behind QRAB -Querrörelsens Arkiv och Bibliotek)
-17.00- Presentation and conversation about the work behind Queer Tatueringshistoria / Historier, with Del laGrace Volcano, Sara Swanson and Yolanda Aurora Bohm Ramirez
-20.00- Performance 'I don't miss you' by Kolbrún Inga Söring (they/them/den), a gender queer artist working in Gothenburg whose work spans several areas of artistic expression from performance, video work and site-specific installation to community cultivation and cultural production. They currently run the organisation Status Queer.
-21.00-Performance: PUNK LETTERS! is a band with an undecided never of members. The show is messy and grimy. A punk love letter with a message of revolution. A Rock-opera that meets crust punk. Burning flames. Nasty proposals. Ritual powers. Soft fluff. Sibling-hood. We perform with our voices. And maybe a live ukulele.
-21.30- DJ: Yolanda
-24.00- Buy buy good night!