13:00 - 15:00 What about the rest of the year?
Status Queer, a non-profit injecting new energy into the LGBTQ+ cultural scene in Gothenburg, talks about their work and methods for a more inclusive LGBTQ+ community.

“Let’s talk about how to make meaningful change that lasts longer than the glitter on our cheeks. Taking art and cultural programming in all its multiplicitous glory as the kick of energy, the bridge to bring us together and the glue to hold us there, we are building this community to be a place of empowerment, support and solidarity.” Status Queer.

In this lecture Status Queer presents their methods, reflect on their festival Sparkplug (August 16-22, 2021) and reveal their plans for a future of vibrant, regular, and inclusive LGBTQ+ culture here in Gothenburg.

The lecture is held in English.

14:00 - 15:30 Role play: Experiment with gender and power dynamics
Bring joyous playfulness into your life through role play.
In this workshop we will teach you a fun, simple method you can use to create made up fantastical scenarios with friends and partners. We will give tips on how to feel immersion in the characters that you create, and give suggestions on how role play can be used as a way to discover exciting new power dynamics in your relationship(s), and perhaps new dimensions in yourself as well.
The practical parts of this workshop consists of guided meditations, our three step brainstorming method and writing exercises. You will walk away with basic knowledge about scenario- and character creations that you will be able to use with others. Nothing sexual will occur during this workshop - but what you will be inspired to do at home is yet to be discovered...
This workshop was originally created for the queer bdsm community, but everyone who is interested in learning role play can participate. The scenarios you create after learning this technique can be sexual or non-sexual, kinky or vanilla. It’s up to you.
As we will put some focus on how role play can be used to find power dynamics in a bdsm context, we ask all participants to be kink friendly and respectful towards all sexual practices and identities. And off course you don’t not need to out your sexual practices or preferences to anyone.