Seminarer på World Pride House i Malmö

10:30 - 12:30 Relasjoner på eldre dager, rom L7
Velkommen til dette nasjonale digitale treffet med med RFSL Senior! Du som er hbtqi gh 60+ er velkommen til å delta. Vi prater dating, sex og vennskap. Hvordan er det når man blir eldre, blir det lettere eller vanskeligere å treffe nye mennesker? Treffet er interaktivt, men du velger selv hvor mye du vil delta. For spørsmål og påmelding, kontakt [email protected].
På svenska.

11:00 - 13:00 Bokslipp - Queer historier fra Malmö, Rom L4 & L5
"På Indigo dansade flator från hela Skåne under decennierna kring millennieskiftet. På 1970-talet samlades Malmö och Lunds homosexuella i aktivistgruppen HAML för att driva ”Homofonen”, en telefonrådgivning för homosexuella. På Gustav Adolfs torg möttes homosexuella män över klassgränserna på 1920-talet, då homosexualitet ännu var straffbart (och de åkte fast). "
Disse og en større menge fortellinger fra Malmös HBTQ-historie presenteres i en ny antologi. Samtidig med antologien slippes også en kartguide, produsert av Malmös Stadsarkiv, og et digitale kart i appen "Be here then".
Arrangører: Institutet för studier i Malmös historia, Malmö stadsarkiv og Be here then.
På svenska

14:00 - 15:00 Queer Environmentalism, Room L7
"There is a growing movement across the world to promote sustainability and
mitigate the consequences of climate change. The intersection of LGBTQ+ activism
with environmentalism links with the marginalisation faced by queer people. A
sustainable future must be grounded in the values of equality and equity – to
promote human rights and ensure the constructive input of queer people in
environmental policy. We present the structural and social challenges faced by
queer environmentalists in promoting sustainability; further, we present the positive
impacts of a queer perspective on environmentalism to meet the challenges of
climate change and build sustainable societies."
In English

14:30 - 15:30 HBTQI-kompetent eldreomsorg - utfordringer og muligheter, Rom L4 & L5
Hvilke forventninger har hbtqi-seniorer på eldreomsorgen? Og hvilke muligheter finnes for å jobbe aktivt med inkludering og å ta vare på hbtqi-personers behov? Et panel av personer som representerer forskjellige perspektiv diskuterer spørsmålene.
På svenska

2021-08-12 "Lesbian Moms, Their Children and Asylum: A case study of AB v Finland", Room L7
In 2021, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child found that Finland failed to consider the best interests of the child of a lesbian couple when rejecting his asylum request, and to protect him against a real risk of irreparable harm when the family had no other choice but to return to Russia. Discussants will be unpacking the ground-breaking decision, the first asylum-related case from the UN system involving a child who is facing specific risks on the grounds of his mothers' sexual orientation.
In English and Russian

16:30 - 17:30 How to create an intrinsically inclusive workplace – best practice and other learnings, Room L4 & L5
"One of the seven grounds of discrimination covered by law in Sweden is transgender identity and expression. However, in order to argue that discrimination has taken place from a legal point of view, you have to assume a binary model of gender. There’s a big difference between not openly excluding non binary people and actively creating an including work environment where everyone feels welcome and accepted. How can employers make sure that they not only openly exclude but really create a intrinsically inclusive environment where employees feel they are accepted and not forced to practise self censorship?

We invite you to a panel discussion about examples of employers who have taken active measures into creating a truly inclusive work environment. What can we learn and implement in our own organisations? Representatives from academia, the trade-union, interest groups and organizations that have succeeded in working with workplace inclusion are invited to participate (TBA).
In English