”Sourced in contemporary dance and the street, twisting together aggressive male posturing with the kind of hip-hop moves that summon comparisons to ballet, it expresses confusion with searching, eloquence.” /New York Times

”Abraham has created a work of great subtlety and beauty.” och ”Pavement is a hard, unforgiving thing, but for some people it’s also home.” /The New Yorker

”Kyle Abraham just may be the defining choreographic voice of a new generation. He makes dance that has swagger, something that can escalate into anger and violence. It depicts a generation that is alienated not only by social pressures, but by virtue of technology. But this is also a generation that still needs to touch, to caress, to connect.” /Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

”The cycle that Abraham encapsulates with such profound feeling and choreographic brilliance in “Pavement” is difficult to contemplate. It sits in your throat, burning. And it stays with you.”/Washington Post