12.00 Sergei Pavlovitch Diaghilev – A Portrait – n. 70 min

14.00 Ballet Russes: Fame, glamour, ego, politics, money, war, love…and dance – n. 118 min

12.00 In Search of Nijinsky’s Rite of Spring and Rite of Spring with Joffrey Ballet and excerpts from Rite of Spring with The Royal Swedish Ballet (1956) and a documentary about Rites of Spring –n. 90 min

14.00 The Kirov Celebrates Nijinsky: Schéhérazade, Le Spectre de la Rose, The Polovtsian Dances and Firebird – n. 112 min

12.00 Michel Fokine and George Balanchine: Carnaval, Le Sylphides and – n. 90 min

14.00 Picasso and Dance: Le Train Bleu and Le Tricorne and excerpt from Le Tricorne with the Royal Swedish Ballet (1956) – n. 90 min


12.00 Ballet Russes: Fame, glamour, ego, politics, money, war, love…and dance – n. 118 min

14.00 Paris Dances Diaghilev: Petrouchka, Les Noces, Le Spectre de la Rose and L´Apres- Midi d´un Faune – approx. 84 min

12.00 Michel Fokine and George Balanchine: Carnaval, Le Sylphides and – n. 90 min

14.00 Picasso and Dance: Le Train Bleu and Le Tricorne and excerpt from Le Tricorne with the Royal Swedish Ballet (1956) – n. 90 min

12.00 In Search of Nijinsky’s Rite of Spring and Rite of Spring with Joffrey Ballet and excerpts from Rite of Spring with The Royal Swedish Ballet (1956) and a documentary about Rites of Spring – n. 90 min

14.00 The Kirov Celebrates Nijinsky: Schéherazade, Le Spectre de la Rose, The Polovtsian Dances and Firebird – n. 112 min

12.00 Ballet Russes: Fame, glamour, ego, politics, money, war, love…and dance – n. 118 min

14.00 Paris Dances Diaghilev : Petrouchka, Les Noces, Le Spectre de la Rose and L´Apres- Midi d´un Faune – n. 84 min