Nämä tapahtuvat sopivat myös kävijöille jotka eivät taida ruotsia. Nähdäksesi koko ohjelman vaihda QueerMap ruotsinkieliseksi

11:00–11:45 Red Umbrella Sweden: Listen to sexworkers

12:00–12:45 Scen & Film: Representation of non-binary people in the performing arts and film

13:00–13:45 Academic Pride: International perspective on the life situation and rights of LGBTQ+ people - Iran and Russia.

14:00–14:45 Nordic Ukraine Forum: Ukrainian LGBTIQ: warriors, volunteers, victims

15:00–15:45 CRD: Challenges for LGBTQI+ activists in Eurasia Region in the Context of War

16:00–16:45 HBTQ + S Stockholm: Challenging Norms and Advancing Rights: Analyzing the Challenges Faced by Intersex, Trans, and Queer Individuals Globally

16:00–16:45 CRD: The LGBTQI+ movement in the Western Balkans: Obstructions, bans and the fight for trans rights