12 p.m. Sergei Pavlovitch Diaghilev – A Portrait – approx. 70 min

2 p.m. Ballet Russes: Fame, glamour, ego, politics, money, war, love…and dance – approx. 118 min

12 p.m. In Search of Nijinsky’s Rite of Spring and Rite of Spring with Joffrey Ballet and excerpts from Rite of Spring with The Royal Swedish Ballet (1956) and a documentary about Rites of Spring –approx. 90 min

2 p.m. The Kirov Celebrates Nijinsky: Schéhérazade, Le Spectre de la Rose, The Polovtsian Dances and Firebird – approx. 112 min

12 p.m. Michel Fokine and George Balanchine: Carnaval, Le Sylphides and – approx. 90 min

2 p.m. Picasso and Dance: Le Train Bleu and Le Tricorne and excerpt from Le Tricorne with the Royal Swedish Ballet (1956) – approx. 90 min

12 p.m. Ballet Russes: Fame, glamour, ego, politics, money, war, love…and dance – approx. 118 min

2 p.m. Paris Dances Diaghilev: Petrouchka, Les Noces, Le Spectre de la Rose and L´Apres- Midi d´un Faune – approx. 84 min

12 p.m. Michel Fokine and George Balanchine: Carnaval, Le Sylphides and – approx. 90 min

2 p.m. Picasso and Dance: Le Train Bleu and Le Tricorne and excerpt from Le Tricorne with the Royal Swedish Ballet (1956) – approx. 90 min

12 p.m. In Search of Nijinsky’s Rite of Spring and Rite of Spring with Joffrey Ballet and excerpts from Rite of Spring with The Royal Swedish Ballet (1956) and a documentary about Rites of Spring – approx. 90 min

2 p.m. The Kirov Celebrates Nijinsky: Schéherazade, Le Spectre de la Rose, The Polovtsian Dances and Firebird – approx. 112 min

12 p.m. Ballet Russes: Fame, glamour, ego, politics, money, war, love…and dance – approx. 118 min

2 p.m Paris Dances Diaghilev : Petrouchka, Les Noces, Le Spectre de la Rose and L´Apres- Midi d´un Faune – approx. 84 min